
Virginia Beach

Dear diary, I am not really the write in a diary kind of person but with nothing else to do here, we go. We arrived last night at my Grams condo. She had left me a little care basket and in among other things was this leather-bound diary and several really nice pens. There was also a note saying she had linked one of her credit cards to my room key. Gram said I would be able to use it for a spa day or anything else I may need around the resort. She told me not to worry about how much things cost and to consider anything I purchased a graduation present. She said she would see me in a few weeks and try to and enjoy myself. It's still raining but they say the actual storm hit last week. The cable and internet are down, not that I am allowed to use them, leave it to Gram to find something for me to do when there is nothing to do, and she isn't here. I'm also not sure on diary etiquette if there is such a thing. Am I supposed to be addressing the diary as if it is my close pe...

Roxanne's Demanding Stepmother Ch. 03

Roxanne had had a break from Allison for a couple of months, and though it had been quite a relief, it was also killing her inside. She kept waking up in the middle of the night, with her panties and bed soaked from her juices, and could remember Allison doing naughty things with her in their dreams, things that could never happen in real life. The more she had these dreams, the more she desperately wanted them to happen. Unfortunately, Allison was the one that was in charge here, and she didn't seem like she was bothered at all by this situation. She continued to live her best life, sun tanning and swimming and giggling with her girl friends over cocktails, while Roxanne tried to focus on school from afar. The terrible part was, Allison didn't even seem to want to hide herself at all. She walked around the house with a towel at times, and left her door open when she changed. Roxanne managed to see her step-mother naked multiple times, and it was killing her inside. Was Allis...

The Training Session Pt. 01

I came home from work early one Friday afternoon. I had finished seeing customers for the day. I changed into shorts and a t-shirt, grabbed a beer and sat down in front of the tv. After about twenty minutes the front door opened and in came my wife, Sue. "You get away early too?" "I didn't have any afternoon therapy sessions today, and some cancellations. No one wants to talk about sexual problems on a Friday. They'd rather be out having it and talk on Monday", she said laughing. "I guess." "Speaking of sex. Have you heard from Roger and Ellaine lately?" "No, but they had gone up to New York to visit family a few weeks ago. I guess they're still away." "Well, Ellaine's last text was a reminder "BIG SWING PARTY!" in a few weeks. She wanted to remind us to put it on the calendar. I texted back asking if we could bring anything. She didn't respond." "I think it's going to be catered. Food,...

Game of Strip Rock Band Ends in Tub

Jason and Stacy are longtime friends from college that we still see on a regular basis. Stacey is a sexy brunette with a perfect set of tits and a shapely ass. She reminds me of Rose from the sitcom "Two and a Half Men", and is known in our friend circle as the girl that gets drunk quickly and becomes extremely friendly. Despite her overt flirting, she has never been one to sleep around, and we all took turns keeping her from waking up covered in cum through the years. She hooked up with Jay after college and they were married soon after. Jay is a tall and strikingly handsome man who was the "player" of our group before he got married. We both benefited greatly from working the door at the same bar to make ends meet during school, and experienced our share of drunken and willing women there (but that's another story). Both Keri and I have suspected recently that they were "losing steam", so to speak, in the bedroom. We invited them over for drinks an...

The Journey of David and Becky Ch. 04

Sunday 17th May 2015 -- Part 2 My dreams led me back to the first time I felt Becky's soft lips on my penis. It was before we were married, and long before our tease and denial games had really begun. Soon after we got together, we went away for a short break, flying to Majorca to enjoy a few days in the sun. We'd travelled most of the day by taxi, plane and coach to our resort on the Mediterranean island, arriving on a particularly hot day, even by the standards of that region. We'd checked in to the hotel, taken our stuff up to the room, and in exhaustion, brought on mainly by the heat, collapsed onto our respective single beds to take advantage of the air-conditioning. After laying there for a few minutes, I turned my head to look at Becky on the other bed and saw she was face down, one arm over the side with her head turned to me, eyes wide open. "Do you think we'll be able to slide these beds together?" I asked. Becky stared at me in silence for a while...

Teach Me to Love, Big Sister Ch. 10

Chapter 10 - Nobody Else But You, Sweet Sister Lilah loved Summer in the evening. The warm air was so relaxing, and people just seemed to be happier. As she and Tash played their soft acoustic rendition of Killing Me Softly, the futanari watched people mingle joyfully with each other, getting tipsy together, sharing jokes and funny stories. It was all so lovely. And the fact that she and Tash were getting paid to be there was icing on the cake. After they brought the song to a close, Tash leaned over and whispered: "Isn't this gig the best? We should totally do more engagement parties!" She had to agree. "Let's do Instant Crush next," she suggested. She knew it was one of Tash's favorites, and she had to admit her friend sang it beautifully. When the night was over, Lilah was putting her guitar away when Tash's hand fell on her shoulder. "Baby, I'm going to the bathroom real quick. Meet me at your car, 'kay? Any girls ask for me, tell ...