Virginia Beach
Dear diary, I am not really the write in a diary kind of person but with nothing else to do here, we go. We arrived last night at my Grams condo. She had left me a little care basket and in among other things was this leather-bound diary and several really nice pens. There was also a note saying she had linked one of her credit cards to my room key. Gram said I would be able to use it for a spa day or anything else I may need around the resort. She told me not to worry about how much things cost and to consider anything I purchased a graduation present. She said she would see me in a few weeks and try to and enjoy myself. It's still raining but they say the actual storm hit last week. The cable and internet are down, not that I am allowed to use them, leave it to Gram to find something for me to do when there is nothing to do, and she isn't here. I'm also not sure on diary etiquette if there is such a thing. Am I supposed to be addressing the diary as if it is my close pe...