All That Remains Bk. 02

The journey north.

I woke slowly, feeling Gem's warm body pressing against my back whilst Magda and I were still spooned. Magda's left leg was clamped between mine, the warmth of it was comforting and erotic. I lay for long seconds enjoying the feeling of their bodies pressed against me.

"I need shower." Magda murmured before stretching and pushing her ass hard against me.

"Mmmm good idea, Eric and I can share a shower after you and he can wash my back." Gemma replied quietly.

"Pity we not all fit in shower." Magda sounded wistful.

"All that soap and flesh! It would be an accident waiting to happen, besides I would like a little me time with our husband, please?" Gemma replied.

"Okay, is good."Magda replied brightly.

"Three would never fit in the shower anyway." Gem replied.

I kissed Magda's shoulder before she got out of bed and I watched her walk naked to the bathroom admiring her figure and pert ass.

"Mmmm this is nice. I feel like it should always be this way" Gemma paused "or do you think that's strange?"

"No, I don't think it's strange." I murmured.

I rolled over to face her.

"Don't you think it's weird how things have happened between the three of us?" Gem asked dreamily.

I thought for a while.

"No, I think that we got close quickly out of need, when we met you were the first living person I had seen. I know that we knew each other before all this. We must have been the first people Magda had seen. We humans are social animals, we need each other!"

"That's deep!" Gem said.

I rolled onto my back and she put her head on my chest.

"Are you okay with what happened last night?" I asked the top of her head.

"Yes, I loved it. I'm getting very kinky" the fingers of her right hand were playing with the sparse hairs on my chest "I just hope you have the strength to keep us both happy."

"Ohh I don't know, at my advanced age all this rampant sex makes me so tired!" I joked.

"You better have something left for tonight" she lifted her head and kissed

me quickly "it's my turn no matter where we are."

We lapsed into a long silence listening to the shower.

"What happens if I get you pregnant?" I asked.

"What do you mean if, it's bound to happen!"

"Okay let me rephrase the question, when I get you pregnant are you going to be ok?"

"It's strange but I would love you to get me pregnant. Besides, it is too late to worry about it now!" She replied.

"That's true." I murmured.

We lapsed into silence again.

"I'm just imagining what it would be like to have your children, in fact I want to have your children."

"And what about Magda?" I asked her.

"I wonder if she can have kids?" she pondered "I will ask her later."

We listened to the sound of the shower and Magda humming softly to herself.

"Eric, the world has gone to hell and the three of us have come together" she looked up at me "We are a family now, let's keep it that way and if you get us both pregnant that would be fantastic, at least I'd have Magda to compare notes with."

We fell back into silence. My right hand gently caressing her back.

"I feel sorry for Nat and Amy." she shifted her position to look at up at me.

"Why?" I asked.

"As Amy said you are the only man in the group so far, so they won't be having any kids." She looked saddened.

I pulled her against me before replying.

"Amy had cancer when she was very young and the treatment made her sterile, I think that's the main reason she became a midwife, as for Nat I am not sure if she can still have children but I am sure we will find another man for them."

"Oh, I didn't know about Amy but I know Nat can still have kids, we talked about it not long ago. We were both at our Doctors, they wanted to change our pills" she moved a little "I just realised I haven't taken mine for a while."

Well fell back into silence.

"If we don't find any more men and only find female survivors, you will have to father a lot of children" She was now looking into my eyes "where will that leave me and Magda?"

I kissed her softly on the lips.

"You will be my wife" I kissed her again "and Magda has become my other wife, wherever we are living and no matter how many children I have to father, I will always return home to you both."

"And what if we have to take in another wife?"

I was a little shocked by the question.

"I mean it's just a thought, we have to accept the fact that there are so few of us left. We may have to expand our family." she continued to stare at me.

"All we can do is see what happens. But I won't do anything without talking to you first and getting your agreement, ok?"

Gem nodded.

In the bathroom the sound of the shower shut off.

"Our turn." I squeezed her a little before pulling the bedding off.

We got out of bed as Magda came into the bedroom wrapped up in a towel, she stopped me as I was walking towards the bathroom.

"Good morning husband." She put her arms around me and I was treated to a view of her wet body as the towel fell away and we kissed, I pulled her tight against me.

"Hey you brazen hussy, he's saving some for me!" Gemma called out jokingly.

"Yes, he is yours tonight" Magda paused looking thoughtful " if we both wives are we sisters?"

There was a long pause as we all thought about it, my cock began to stir as Magda remained against me grinding her hips and pubic area into mine.

"Don't the Mormons who had more than one wife called them sister wives?" Gem said.

"You two shower, we go soon" Magda said releasing me, as she bent to pick up her towel she sneakily kissed the head of my cock "I dress, make breakfast."

Gem and I showered enjoying the intimacy of washing each other but restrained ourselves, my cock was hard thanks to Magda, but I was also determined to wait. As we dried each other gently the look of bliss on Gemma's face as I wrapped her in a towel was reward enough. After dressing we made our way to the canteen I noticed that dawn was breaking through the small windows in the unit's doors and as we climbed the stairs, I could hear Magda talking.

"He here now." She had the radio in her hand which she passed to me.

"Morning Dad" Amy said "Enjoy your shower." There was a teasing tone in her voice.

"Yes, we did." I glanced up as both Gemma started to prepare

breakfast and Magda began packing food for the trip.

"Your making me jealous." She sounded whimsical.

"Don't worry I'm sure we will get a shower working soon enough." I replied

moving back into the stairwell heading downstairs.

"I hope so but it's not just a shower I miss." She sounded sad.

Realisation struck me.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart that was insensitive of me." I had reached the parked cars.

"That's ok dad, I miss intimacy, I miss Dominic" She replied "and in a way I envy Gemma having that intimacy."

"We will find a strapping young man for you, there has to be one who survived."

"I hope so, but you better find two, I'm not sharing my play thing with my little sister!" She giggled.

"Humm on the subject of sharing, I don't know how to put this."

"Not Magda as well?" She asked after a pause.

"Yes, I wanted to warn you before we all get together."

"Dad! I should be shocked, but I suppose I should congratulate you or something."

I had opened the back door of the Discovery and was looking at what was

packed from the day before.

"Congratulate?" I asked her.

"Yes, you stud!" She giggled "I suppose we will have little sisters or brothers this time next year." She quipped.

"Hey, I'm just planning a few days ahead, but I suppose we should be thinking long term."

"Dad I'm happy for you and so glad you have someone or someone's. Now I do feel a bit envious but pleased."


"I just miss having a man" she paused " I don't believe I'm saying this."

"You have always been able to tell me anything." I replied.

"I know. I miss waking up with someone, their arms around me, I know it's silly."

"Listen the first night we meet up we will have a massive cuddle, I promise." I replied.

"I'm holding you to that, your girlfriends better understand."

"They will" I said a little puzzled "and they are now calling themselves my "sister wives '!"

"Married with two wives!"

"I know, the golf club have already telephoned and revoked my membership!" I chuckled.

"When Magda told me that you and Gemma were having a shower I remembered when I was a kid and I always wanted to have a bath with you."

"Oh lord! I remember. You loved me washing your hair!"

There was a long silence over the radio, and my mind transported me back to the time when she was a little girl, always by my side, holding my hand, falling asleep on my lap, demanding I share a bath with her, making me lay in her bed until she fell asleep and when awake following me everywhere, her illness and the effects of the chemotherapy on her had broken our hearts and both Liz and I had been determined to spend as much time with her as we could, but it was always Daddy she wanted.

"I loved that so much dad. Anyway, back to the present, we are staying put here at Elvanfoot till you catch up to us. The road out front is flooded because the river has burst its banks but our supplies will last and there is a well stocked shop on the site we can raid." She sounded upbeat now.

"That's a good idea" I was leaning against the car " are you going to be ok?"

"I will be."

"I'd love to go back in time to wash that little girl's hair again." I told her with a hushed voice.

"I'm nearly 2 inches taller than you Dad and I think Magda and Gemma may get a bit peed off with us sharing a bath" She laughed "but it is a great memory."

"It is. Right I had better start packing the cars ready to set off. I will call when we are leaving, ok?"

"Ok, I hear movement in the caravan, so I better start thinking about feeding the hoard and please try to make one of you children a brother!" She replied brightly.

"I will try my hardest, chat later."

Just then Gemma appeared to let me know that breakfast was ready.

After eating we packed both cars with everything we thought we needed, by the time we had finished it was past 10am. Gem and I made sure the building was secure and everything safe before backing the cars out of the building and locked the doors.

"Why are we locking it." Magda asked.

"You never know, we may come by this way in the future and it would make a great place to stop off at and it is the only place that has a working bathroom for miles." I joked.

Getting into the Discovery I watched my "wives" get into the Ford. I then called Amy on the radio to tell her we were setting off and gave a test call on the smaller radio. Magda replied instantly.

The first part of our journey would see us skirting around the smouldering city of Coventry on it's south western side. As we left Rugby the roads were fairly clear, but we could not make much speed because there were still obstacles like parked and crashed cars almost like a slalom. We cleared the town and crossed over the A45 road with its blockade and headed towards a place called Princethorpe. We managed to pick up a little speed along the country roads.

In the distance, thick columns of of black smoke marked the remains of Coventry, almost like a headstone declaring the city's final swan song. Some of the fires were throwing flames up into the air a few hundred feet. In the Second World War the Luftwaffe had tried to destroy the city in one night with masses of aircraft, now as it lay under those pillars of smoke, I wondered if any survivors of that first destruction had survived this one.

"You okay back there?"

"All good." Magda's voice came from the radio.

We made good time to the crossroads near the village of Princethorpe where we turned right and then made a left turn a few hundred yards along the road. As we turned left there was a tree across the road.

"Stay in the car and let me look." I told the girls.

We had spoken about this sort of situation and had agreed that they would keep their car in reverse gear in case of problems and they would back off quickly if trouble arose. The tree was not very large, but as I got out of the car the local ducks thought I was there to feed them and made my job a little harder. Eventually I hooked the winch cable around the tree and the Discovery made easy work of it, scattering some of the hungry ducks.

"Ok let's go." I shouted, scaring the last of the ducks away.

We had only travelled for a short distance and were just about to approach

Princethorpe collage when Magda called.

"Stop car!"

Looking into the rear-view mirror I pulled up quick and grabbed the gun.

"Eric can you back up please?" Gemma asked calmly.

I put the Discovery into reverse gear and slowly approached the Ford keeping my eyes peeled until I stopped a few feet in front at which point the girls got out and I joined them.

"What have we stopped for?" I asked.

Gemma pointed in the direction of large house and it took me a few seconds to notice the camper van she was pointing at, it was parked at the side of the house.

"Would the camper van be useful?" She asked me.

It looked like a mid sized four berth camper. I looked around to make sure we were safe.

"Let's take a look, follow me in the car." I got back in and the cars slowly crunched noisily along the drive towards the house.

I waited for a little just in case anyone was alive in the house. I got out of the Disco And told the girls to stay in the Ford. The house was locked and I had to force my way in by smashing a window. The first thing that hit me was the smell, the occupants had obviously died in bed. I quickly looked in the hallway and grabbed a large bunch of keys off a table and got out of the house fast. As soon as the clean air hit my face I took a deep gulp filling my lungs. After the first sniff of death I had held my breath.

Looking at the keys in my hands I noticed that there were at least five separate sets of car keys and a bunch of house keys. I tried three sets in the driver's door before it opened. Gem and Magda had joined me and we began looking around the camper, it was a four berth with a small built in generator and two full bottle of Calor cooking gas. The van itself was a 2.5 litre Fiat diesel that started the first time I turned the key so I let it tick over for a minute.

"Great it has a full tank of fuel" I said "I think we will swap this for the Ford."

"I've never driven anything this big." Gemma looked worried.

"Is okay I drive van in Poland but not have licenses for UK." Magda told us.

"Humm that's going to be a problem. If we see any Police about you will just have to hide your face from them." I replied seriously.

For long seconds there was silence before Magda made sense of what I said.

"You silly!" She lightly punched my arm.

"Let's empty the Ford and put our stuff away."

The owners must have been planning a holiday or perhaps were going to leave the area when the pandemic struck, the little cupboards were stocked with food and bottled water. It took us about 15 minutes to finish, the whole time we worked I kept looking at the large garage at the side of the house.

"I'm going to look in the garage." I told girls.

As I tried various keys the girls joined me just as I found the right one. Inside were a couple of BMWs and an old Triumph Stag.

"Look." Gem was pointing at two bright pink child's bicycles.

We all stopped, Magda turned to look at the house and began speaking in polish, I didn't need Gem to translate what was obviously a prayer. When she finished I put my arm around her shoulders, she was shaking as she silently cried.

"So many children" She sobbed "all gone, no future for them!"

"It's okay Mags, we will make children of our own for the future." Gem told her.

We had a group hug.

"Yes we make lots of children!" Magda replied.

After tears had been wiped away we began to look around again. There was a large locked steel cabinet against the back wall which caught my attention, I had to see what was inside it. More fumbling with keys eventually opened a gun cupboard. Inside it were two shotguns, a rifle and another locked box containing a revolver and ammunition.

"I think we will take these." I told them.

"I don't like guns" Gemma told us "but I would feel better having them."

Magda picked up a shotgun and expertly snapped open the barrel and looked it over. After a few seconds of examination she snapped it back together, she repeated her examination on the other shotgun before moving on to the rifle.

"All is clean and well looked after" she picked up the revolver "this is a

good gun, easy to hold but powerful, lots of "she said something in Polish,

"Recoil " Gemma translated "no good if you not use one before, but I have used guns like this so we will have with us."

I looked at her in a new light.

"Okay cowgirl, let's get loaded up." I told them.

In front on the house it felt a little strange to leave the car I had owned for nearly 8 years, one that had taken Liz and I on so many memorable journeys. As we climbed into our vehicles to set off I remembered the stuffed toy monkey that Liz had given me.

"This is coco, he's a luck monkey and has to stay in the car at all times, he will keep you safe and if I am not with you he will be the only monkey business that occurs in our car." She had told me playfully.

I dashed over and grabbed him before shutting the old Ford for the last time. I got in the Discovery and after placing Coco on the dash we drove slowly away. Further along the road I was saddened to see that the once magnificent Princethorpe College was now a smouldering pile of rubble. I wondered if any of its pupils had survived and where they had gone. We now headed towards Kenilworth then on to the A452. The roads were very clear and we made good progress hitting 50 mph all the way past the National Exhibition Centre. We could just see a couple of large aircraft standing abandoned at Birmingham airport. Like Coventry, the city of Birmingham was marked by more columns of thick smoke pointing up into the clear blue sky. I felt a deep sadness thinking of the city where I was born burning and probably no one from the area but myself to mourn it's demise. We managed a good pace all the way to the outskirts of Tamworth where we stopped to contact Amy.

"How's it going?" She asked.

I told her where we had stopped, about the camper and what we had seen.

"That's a good idea, we slept in the cars or empty houses. If you think Birmingham or Coventry are bad wait till you see Manchester."

"Something not to look forward to?" I replied "At least having the camper we can stay warm at night."

"I don't think you will be cold at night ever again stud!" She joked.

"Funny girl, you are never going to let me live that down are you?"

"No, my daddy the super stud and baby machine" she giggled "You always liked to keep busy."

"OK miss, behave or I will have to ask one of your new mums to sort you out or I may have to spank you myself!" I replied jokingly "We are having a hot drink and then we will be setting off again, I will call when we do."

"Ok dad, please take care."

Sitting in the camper I looked at the map, on paper it looked like a convoluted route but not too far, in reality the distance was daunting and would take two maybe three days to cover at our present rate.

"Do you think I could use the toilet?" Gemma asked.

"Good question?" I got up "let me see If there is a collection thing."

Gemma followed me outside and we began to look inside various openings on the outside of the van.

"I will have to use the bushes" she began to walk away "I can't hold it in much longer."

"Wait!" I followed her "don't go alone."

I stood guard as she relived herself and I had to do the same. As I finished Gem called me. When I joined her she pointed towards a field in the distance. The bodies of cows were huddled together by a gate as if they had waited for a farmer who would never come.r"


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