Renny and Dee

Alright everybody, second ever story! Slow build, sexy end, light domination and bondage. Your comments and feedback help a bunch. I still don't know what I'm doing, so any feedback is appreciated!


"Keep banging on my door like that and I'll make you bleed," my neighbor seethes, bearing down on me with both his blonde-tipped locs and drowsy hatred in his eyes. He looks rough, and hostile. And sexy. As much as I want to turn around and slam the door to my own place across the hall, I stand my ground and hold his lost dog out to him, watching his face turn to one of regret and relief.

"I'm already bleeding," I say, shakily. It's true- I had untangled his little lost Schnauzer from some barbed wire down by the pond I run past every day, and my arms are all hacked up. However, I'm about six foot on my good leg, and this guy has about three inches on me. So I back up a little, unwilling to incite any kind of wrath.

His dog, named Bella, judging from the collar I found nearby, whimpers in my hold. He simply holds his hands out for her to launch herself into his arms, which she does. I've only seen them do that from my window.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, thank you so much!" he says, holding Bella's wriggling silvery body as she licks whatever part of him she can get at. "Come in, I'll fix up your cuts!"

I'm already backing away smiling, happy to see them reunited. "I'm all good, I've probably got the same stuff back home," I said. "I'm glad I was in the right place at the right time. Y'all have a good night!" By the time the last word leaves my mouth I already have my keys out to open my door.

"Thank you again!" is all he gets out as I slide my door shut, waving goodbye to the little dog in his arms.

. . .

The next morning, and half a night's sleep later, I'm opening my door blearily to my neighbor and Bella, both looking a lot less pitiful than the day before. The dog snuffles at my feet.

"Hi," I say, hand on the doorknob.

"Heyyy, how's it going .....?" He wants my name. I sigh inwardly.

"Deena. Pretty good, thanks. Bella looks better!" With a few bandages, she looks a lot better than the quivering, scuffed up state I found her in yesterday.

"Yeah, that's... my name's Renny, by the way- I wanted to talk to you about that. Her, how you brought her home yesterday. Thank you so much, she means so much to me and I answered the door in the worst way imaginable. I am so, so sorry. And for waking you up, it looks like. This isn't supposed to be payback or anything."

This man is adorable. The rumbling baritone of his voice is unsure and apologetic, but still echoing in my chest like he's speaking into an empty cavern. I'd heard it through the walls before, with his friends over or on the phone, but now I'm getting hit head on.

"All's forgiven, man. I'm just happy I took the route I did yesterday. I found her way back in the reeds by the pond down the street, tangled up in some trash." I sure did. Bella and I have matching bandages.

He passes Bella's leash to his other hand, resting his weight on one leg. "Well I figured I wanna thank you, and kinda apologize at the same time. The first real conversation we've ever had, and I started it with threats on your life." I chuckle, he grimaces. "Let me treat you to dinner or something, it's the least I could do." His tongue flicks out between his lips and my hand tightens on my doorknob.

Pros and cons? Pros: dinner. Sexy chocolate man. Getting to tell Mom I've left the house for once. Cons: small talk. Nosy mother. And having to sit and eat in front of someone who has the ability to make my mouth go dry with just a smile.

"Alright, I think that's fair," I decide. Renny's face splits into a white-toothed grin, with a little gap between his front teeth. The thirst I feel in response makes it seem like I've made a mistake, but really I know this is just gonna be the easier route to take. Better than him feeling indebted to me, or thinking I'm rude. And I get to look at him for a little longer.

"Is this Saturday good for you? Around seven?" he asks, Bella's collar jingling as she tries to arch her stocky body around to get at a bandage on her back.

Two days from now? I'm helping my dad break apart some old cabinets for firewood in the morning, but I've got the rest of the day to myself. "Yeah, perfect," I say with a nod.

"Alright, I figure Charlie's down the street is pretty nice, so how about I just come knocking around that time and we walk together?"

My sister owns Charlie's. I curse inside my head, but I'm keen on the idea of a casual meal. Maybe she won't be in? She's never there on the weekend.

"Sounds good to me," I say. He smiles his smile again, rivaling the sun beaming through the window at the end of the hall. "Bye, Deena."

"I'll see you, Renny." I let my door close and lock it, listening to his fading whistle and Bella's tags as they start down the steps. And then I go back to sleep.

. . .

Saturday around seven arrives, and I have a busted knee from, not the strenuous firewood-chopping labor I did all morning, with a multitude of sharp things around, but from falling while walking up the stairs to my own home. I'm still wearing ripped-up, bleach-washed jeans, even if they showcase my banged-up knee, because they go nice with my outfit. Jeans and a nice shirt is my go-to, and I've never gotten any complaints. Jeans and a nice shirt is what Renny comes across the hall in, and we're out of the building and down the street shortly after.

Charlie's is well into its dinner rush, as it's a nice, casual spot for not only me and my neighbor, but for everyone else too. We wait outside for a few minutes until a new hire, Cleo, squeezes us in right outside of the kitchen. I'm a little nervous. Cleo is too new to recognize me, but the rest of the staff would.

Renny doesn't suspect a thing. We're talking, and laughing, first about how I ordered hot water and second about how I look like I'm recovering from a serious-not-serious car accident with all my wounds.

"I figured you were a singer, with the hot water and everything. I hear you from my place sometimes." He drizzles sriracha over his brioche bun.

"I'm so sorry, am I too loud? It's all showtunes and everything, I probably get carried away." I'm a dirty liar because I know, for a fact, that I do get carried away. The lady who lives underneath me requests Moana because it helps keep her newborn asleep. But I didn't know Renny was home at the same time as me.

"I mean, I listen when you do, you sound nice. I even rewatched Rent because of you," he grins. And of course, that goes right to my head, and I'm smiling back like a fool. Just in time to peak past him and see my lovely big sister drilling a hole into my forehead with her eyes from the host stand. Sheeeeeeeeit.

I crumple my napkin between my fingers to get rid of the oil. "I'm just gonna go use the restroom real quick," I stutter. Renny picks his steak sandwich back up.

"Sure thing, I'll be here. Just don't dine and dash on me," he says around a mouthful of food.

I know Charlie's still watching me, but I can't resist raising an eyebrow to say, "Impossible, Mr. My Treat." I hear him sucking his teeth and laughing behind me as I stride to the bathroom, my sister hot on my tail.

"So now we out with men all times of night, under our sister's nose, in her own restaurant, without saying a word, huh?" She's leaning outside of the stall I'm in. Now's not a good time to let her know somebody took a Sharpie to the back of the toilet seat.

"It ain't even like that," I reason. "That's the dude whose dog I found yesterday. I even texted you about it last night."

"This is the neighbor?" Her voice is coming from the row of sinks now. She must be checking her twist-out in the mirror. "The one I said could get it when you moved in?"

"Yes, Ms. Married, that's the neighbor," I say dryly, strolling up next to her. "He's just thanking me for finding the dog." Her eyes are beating into the top of my head as I wash my hands, and I can tell she's looking for something else to say.

"Alright.... but he looks a little more than thankful, girl. I'll be here for the rest of the night if you need me, Fannie called out." I peck her on the cheek.

"Alright, sis." Can't sniffle without the family hearing about it, but I would never complain. We walk out together, and though I moan about it, she drops me back off at my table. Renny's leaning back watching an HGTV show on the flat screen built into the wall, and beams his smile up at the two of us.

"How's everything going tonight, sir?" Charlie beams back. I try to subtly roll my eyes next to her, but she catches it, and I sit down before I get myself in more trouble.

"Can't complain. Great food, great company," he says, shooting a curious glance over to my side of the table. I honestly don't know what my face looks like right now. Maybe a deer in headlights.

"Well, I'll let y'all two enjoy the rest of your meal. Have a great evening!" She has the audacity to saunter jovially away, probably to text the family group chat, and I peek at Renny through my eyelashes. He's still looking at me, amused and curious.

"My sister," I mutter, and his laughter bubbles up so suddenly that a few people look our way. Again, I can't help but laugh with him. "It's not gonna be funny for long, she thinks I'm sneaking around on dates behind her back," I say through giggles.

"You could've told me, I would've offered somewhere else!" he says, wiping tears from his eyes.

"I was half-sleep when I was thinking it through, and she's not even supposed to be here today! Like bruh!" I'm starting to tear up too, so I take a few breaths. Can't seem like I'm having too good a time with the fun-police watching from the other side of the room. She's trying to be discrete but I see the top of her head with her fluffy hair peeking out wherever she goes; height runs in the family.

He sighs. "I mean, I'm glad I got you out, this is the most fun I've had for a while." He fiddles with the straw in his glass as he looks into my eyes. I can't concentrate with his chocolate brown eyes on mine, and I forget where I am and just stare back for a second. His eyes remind me of brownie batter.

"Yeah?" is what I think I say.

He shrugs, and the spell is broken. "I was working double shifts for a while, but I just now got a solid 9 to 5, so I'm catching up on good things," he explains. I hate to be that stalker work-from-home neighbor, but I would hear him come and go. He was out at 5, home around 8. I've worked those kinds of hours before, and I know exactly what he means.

"Congratulations and amen to that, sweetheart," I say, and I mean it. We clink our glasses together. Well... my mug, his glass.

Dinner goes great, and after he's paid, we make our escape, my sister meaningfully waving us out the door. "Have a nice night, kids," she says sweetly. Deceivingly.

He's chuckling again. "You must got a big family," he says, setting the pace at a stroll that I slow down to meet.

"Yeah. How can you tell?" I ask, appreciating the warm night air falling on my shoulders.

"I mean, your whole vibe got "little sister", "baby of the family" on it. And your sister came over to size me up."

"Over here reading me like a book, damn it," I laugh, looking over to him looking down at me. "I'm not the youngest of the family, which is probably the size of a village, but out of my sisters, yeah, I'm the baby. They probably all know about me showing my face outside of the house by now. You?"

"Eh, pretty big, most of them down South. I'm the youngest of four but I moved out here with my aunt when I was little." I absolutely am not going to ask anymore about his family life. I sense drama.

"Well, then, I'm glad I got you out," I mimic, from our earlier conversation. He smiles at that. "How's Bella, anyway?"

"Much better. Not lost," he says. He stops walking in front of our building, and I turn to face him. "I really, truly cannot thank you enough, Dee. She's a piece of my heart."

I fight the warmth of his smile off with a smirk. "Then call me a heart surgeon, son, because I just put you back together." More laughter.

. . .

I have 52 unread messages when I unlock my phone before bed. All I can be happy about is that Charlie only texted our Sisters group chat. I don't feel like dealing with my mother.

"Wanna know who's out streetwalking this time of night?" from Charlie.

"👀?" This, from my second oldest sister Rudy.

A distant picture of the back of Renny's head and my face, thankfully in between smiles, sitting at the table with empty plates in front of us.

"It was a 'thank you' dinner from that fine-ass man across the hall because she found his lil dog" is the caption.

"At your place? And this how you found out?"

"I know sis, no home training. Mommy ain't raise her right"

"She found his lil dog and now she gonna find his lil dick"


It goes on in the same manner until Charlie finally asks if I got home alright. I send a picture of me in my bonnet, unsmiling and hopefully conveying my exasperation.

"Perfectly fine, no dicks in sight, y'all."

"Venture on out again with some man without telling me, Dee, and you won't be 🙄"

I wanna be mad, but the corners of my mouth start creeping up anyway. I can't. I'm going to bed.

. . .

A week passes before Renny catches me on my way up the stairs. Him and Bella again, but this time she's panting and he's sweating. I've got my entire trunk's worth of groceries straining against my fingers in two reusable bags, and I set them down to squat and pet Bella.

"You doing some kinda Iron Man challenge, Dee?" I don't have to look up to know he's grinning. It'd be a bad idea, anyway - he's soaked in sweat, and so, so beautiful. There are droplets running down the curve of his neck.

I chuckle as Bella flops over on the landing for a belly rub. The fur is wiry and thin, but the skin underneath is pale, pink, and soft. "Nah, I'd just rather max out on this one trip from the car before taking these stairs more than once," I explain.

His laugh booms and echoes in the stairway, and I smile up at him from my crouch, briefly, before straightening back up.

"Bella, go home," he orders. Bella scrambles up the stairs, and I just barely stop myself from following suit. Renny makes a show of hauling one of my bulging canvas bags to his shoulder, making me smile. I deadlift the other, and we climb the stairs together. He smells heady and musky - it invades my senses. I'm glad we're walking side by side so he can't see my nostrils flaring to take him in.

"You don't eat meat?" he asks as I switch my bag to one tired arm to unlock my door.

"Dang, all up in my groceries?" I laugh as I swing the door open. "Nah, not for about ten years. They got me with that Save the Chickens campaign."

He's smiling as he sets his bag down. This man never stops smiling. "Listen, you get to drive past the farms and dap up with the livestock, I wish I could say the same." He pauses for a minute. "Now can I be nosy and look around while you put your groceries away by yourself?"

I'm cracking up with produce in both hands. "Go head, boy, just don't forget your dog first." She had trotted through my open door from her seat on his welcome mat, and is now snuffling at my feet, asking for scraps with each new item I bring out of the bag.

"Aw, shoot. Come here, Bella!" He hustles across the hall with her trailing behind, and I hear water run and his door shut quickly before he ducks back into the kitchen.

"Your place looks bigger than mine," he pouts from the living room.

"Hmm. Landlord must like me better," I call out with a bottle of Stella Rosa in each hand. He scoffs jokingly from the hallway, probably now staring at my paintings.

"You got naked ladies on your wall, ma'am," he calls.

"Do I? Shoot, I should've told them we were having company." I'm not committed to art, but I've got an eye. Some of those paintings and sketches are of me, and others of other bodies I've seen. Right now, I'm glad I'm not skilled enough to have drawn faces.

He eventually wanders back into the kitchen, where I'm setting "fake meat", as my father would call it, out for dinner later.

"They're pretty," he says pointedly, leaning against the island. I can practically sense him searching to lock eyes with me, but luckily I'm headfirst in the fridge looking for peppers I could've sworn I already had.

"Oh yeah? Thank you," I say, straightening up with only slightly-squishy bell peppers in hand. He's on the same side of the counter as me now, and I automatically raise an eyebrow, focusing on assessing my vegetables.

"You're pretty," he says. He's not smiling now, and I think I've been wrong all along - his smiles stop my heart, but this expression of his is infinitely more dangerous. Why do I feel like I'm being chased?

"You're pretty," I sigh back, whirling around to set the peppers next to the meat. I hear Renny snort behind me, and I wonder if I'm in the mood to invite him to dinner.

"Now I know you lying Dee, because I caught my reflection in the hallway mirror, and I look crusty."

I'm laughing again, although I don't think he knows how attractive he looks all leaned up against my countertop with his locs pulled back off his face, and his scent hanging in the air.

He doesn't need to know that. "Listen, it's not my fault if you decide to waltz around looking like a ragamuffin. You should reconsider your life choices, baby."

"Ohhhh," he laughs, "you got jokes, after I slaved all the way up them stairs with your food? The disrespect is real over here, I might just go back home." I'm laughing so hard I've got tears on my face now, washing my hands in the sink, which is probably why I don't see him slide in smoothly next to me.

"Dee." I look up, and he's right there. Oop.

"What?" I husk, still chuckling. I was going for a sassy tone, but I can't manage it with his eyes on mine.

"Can I kiss you?" I'm glad he asked, but he might as well be asking to set me on fire. I'm hot all over, hotter than he was with sweat streaking his shirt on the staircase.

"Well, since you asked..." I smile tentatively, but he continues to stare me down.

He steps in front of me, turning my back to the sink, and wraps his fingers around my wrists, posting my hands up on the edge of the countertop behind me. I can't take my eyes off of his, but even if I did I couldn't see anything but him.

"Like this? Is this okay?" It's a sin, what the octave of his voice is doing to me. I want to cringe inwardly when I hear myself gasp and sigh at the aching stretch of my arms, but honestly, his shirt is whispering against my chest and I just want another part of him to touch me.

"Mmhmm," I rasp, and a tiny smile haunts his lips as he edges closer. His full lips press warm and dry against mine until he traces his tongue across them.

"And this?" He's asking in between wet smacks of our mouths, and I feel light-headed.

"Mmhmm," I sigh again.

He leans his body against me and when I open my mouth against his, his tongue enters roughly. He presses both my wrists into one of his hands and pins them against the small of my back. I open my eyes into his, though I didn't notice when they had closed. His other hand is digging into my hip, and I restrain myself from moving against him. I can feel the outline of his dick, dormant but at just the right height to rub against and bring to life.

He takes his mouth off of mine, and we're both breathing roughly. "Okay?" he asks. I only lean up into his chest to push my tongue into his mouth. He's now holding me up, and I'm standing on my toes, balanced against him. Hot tongues move together while my arms begin to ache from his unyielding hold. He yanks me harder against himself by the iron grip he has on my hip, and I shudder against him when the hot pressure of his fingers eases into pain. He lets out a long, soft moan, and it makes me shake again.r"


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